How To Reheat Coffee: 3 Best Ways from Nancy

How to reheat coffee properly

Hello, friends! It’s Nancy, and today I want to share my experience on how to reheat coffee properly. If you’re like me and love the taste and aroma of freshly brewed coffee but don’t always have time to drink it right away, these tips will come in handy.

Why Is It Important to Reheat Coffee Properly?

The taste and aroma of coffee are a true art. Improper reheating can make it bitter or even burnt. I’ve faced this problem many times until I found a few simple yet effective reheating methods.

How to Reheat Coffee: 3 main methods

Well, I’ll tell you about everything that I used.


  1. First and foremost, make sure your mug is microwave-safe to avoid any accidents. Once, I used the wrong mug and almost caused a fire!
  2. I usually heat the mug in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Then, I always stir the coffee and check the temperature. I repeat this process until the coffee is warm enough.
  3. Be careful not to let the coffee boil. I once left it in the microwave for a minute, and it turned bitter.
Reheat coffee in microwave
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  1. For me this is a simple and most importantly safe method. To be honest, I don’t really like heating in the microwave because of the influence of the microwaves. Call me old-fashioned, but I’m still a stovetop advocate.
  2. It is better to use a large container and medium heat. This way you will have everything under control. I remember one day I put coffee on the stove over high heat – the coffee boiled quickly and lost its taste.
  3. You should always have a spoon nearby so you can stir the drink. It is better to do this more often so that the heat is distributed evenly.
  4. Don’t let the coffee boil. Bring it to the temperature where you can drink it right away.
How To Reheat Coffee on the stovetop
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Thermos or Insulated Travel Mug

  1. This is a great way to keep coffee warm for several hours, reducing the need to reheat. I always take a thermos with me to work or if I know there will be no electricity to make coffee somewhere.
  2. Insulated mugs help maintain the temperature and preserve the aroma of the coffee. It’s perfect if you, like me, enjoy sipping coffee throughout the day.

How To Reheat Coffee: Useful Tips

I have highlighted important tips for you that will help you properly reheat delicious coffee so that it does not differ from freshly brewed coffee.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  1. Do not boil the coffee. Boiling alters the flavor and makes the coffee bitter. Tested on my own experience!
  2. Use low to moderate heat. This prevents scorching and preserves the flavor.

Enhancing Flavor After Reheating

  1. Adding a fresh splash of coffee or water. This helps restore some of the lost freshness and aroma.
  2. Using coffee additives. Milk, cream, or flavored syrups can improve the taste.
Hot coffee
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Alternative Options

If you have leftover coffee, don’t rush to throw it away. Turn it into a delicious cold drink:

Cold Coffee Recipes

  1. Pour the leftover coffee into a glass, add ice and a bit of milk. It’s a perfect way to refresh yourself in the summer.
  2. Freeze leftover coffee in ice cube trays. These cubes can be added to iced coffee to keep it from diluting with water. This is one of my favorite tricks to preserve a rich flavor.

Read also: How to Remove Coffee Stains from Teeth Quickly


Is it safe to drink reheated coffee?

Yes, it is generally safe, but be cautious if it contains milk or cream, as they can spoil.

Does reheating coffee affect its taste?

Yes, reheating can make coffee taste bitter, stale, or burnt.

What’s the best way to reheat coffee?

The stovetop offers better control over temperature. Microwaving is quicker but can cause uneven heating.

Can I reheat coffee multiple times?

It’s best to reheat coffee only once to minimize degradation of flavor and quality.

How can I keep coffee warm without reheating?

Use a thermal carafe to maintain temperature and preserve taste.

Can I reheat coffee with milk or cream the next day?

Reheat coffee with milk

It’s best to avoid reheating coffee with milk or cream if it has been left out. If refrigerated, reheat with caution and ensure it is thoroughly heated.

Is it safe to reheat coffee the next day?

Yes, as long as it has been stored properly in the refrigerator.

Can I reheat a latte multiple times?

No, it’s best to reheat a latte only once to maintain as much of its original flavor and texture as possible.


So, we have looked at different methods of reheating coffee—in the microwave, on the stove, and using a thermos. It’s important to remember that the main goal is to preserve the taste and aroma of your favorite coffee.

Reheat your coffee slowly and carefully, use the right utensils, and experiment with additional ingredients to enhance its flavor. And don’t be afraid to try alternative options like iced coffee or coffee ice cubes—they can be a great alternative!

I hope these tips were helpful for you. Thank you for reading my blog, and see you next time! With love, your Nancy!